Jan Frank's adaptation of a bird motif in the Kantha style of India
Jan Frank shares stitch expertise on GAAQG quilt day
Ann Arbor stitcher and fiber artist Jan Frank offers a free embroidery mini-toot at each Greater Ann Arbor Quilters' Guild quilt-day meeting. She said, "I have been doing every kind of stitchery under the sun since I was five-years-old -- that's 70 years!"
At last Saturday's GAAQG quilt-day Frank displayed her adaptation of motifs in the Indian Kantha style that prominently features chain-stitchery. Her favorite stitch guide is Marion Nichol's Encyclopedia of Embroidery Stitches Including Crewell, published by Dover and available in Kindle and paperback from Amazon. Frank may be contacted by email: janfrank at sbcglobal dot net.
Pat Wagner's fabric box
Fabric boxes
GAAQG member Pat Wagner was also on hand at May quilt day demonstrating how to make a clever fabric box that she discovered online at: Laura Coia's YouTube video "How to Make Fabric Boxes -- any size", and Connie Kresin's weblog post,"Fabric Boxes". Wagner's instructions can be viewed on the GAAQG website.
Greater Ann Arbor Quilt Guild FaceBook page
GAAQG FaceBook page
GAAQG FaceBook editor, Marilyn Knepp, gave a great presentation to guild members about the guild's commitment to expanding their community, and leading readers to the great GAAQG website through the GAAQG FaceBook page.
GAAQG President Sonja Hagen announced 38 quilts were donated
to SafeHouse Center May 21, 2016.
Members donate quilts to SafeHouse Center
GAAQG President Sonja Hagen announced that 119 quilts have been donated by guild members to SafeHouse Center so far this year. The photo above shows Hagen in front of a few of the 38 quilts donated at GAAQG quilt day, Saturday May 21, 2016.
Long-arm lament!
Singing-quilter Cathy Miller was the featured teacher and lecturer at the May quilt day. Check out a sample of Miller's music at "You Can Quilt That Out!".
Upcoming GAAQG events
- The July 16, 2016 meeting of the GAAQG will feature their annual garage sale and presenter Sujata Shah’s lecture “Cultural Fusion Quilts”.
- The GAAQG quilt show will be held July 30 - 31, 2016 at Washtenaw Community College. For more information, see http://www.gaaqg.com/our-events/quilt-show/.